Labelling a partition can be quite handy, especially for partitions on usb drives that usually get auto-mounted to a folder that corresponds to their label.
Usually the label is set when the partition is created. If the label is not explicitly specified, it is usually auto-generated. To change the label, there are a couple of tools available:
ext2/ext3/ext4 partitions
You can either use e2label
# e2label device [newlabel]
or tune2fs
# tune2fs -L [newlabel] device
FAT/FAT16/FAT32 partitions
Again, there are multiple tools available, from simple perl scripts to mtools, but the easiest to use is probably dosfslabel
from the dosfstools
# yum install dosfstools [...] # dosfslabel device [newlabel]
NTFS partitions
is available as part of the ntfsprogs
# yum install ntfsprogs [...] # ntfslabel device [newlabel]