One of the great advantages of using OpenVPN with RSA keys instaed of static keys is the fact that you can easily disable access to the server for a specific client without the need to re-create keys for any other client. This is called revoking of client certificates. Since every single client’s certificate is verified against a Certificate Revoking List… Read more »
Beside the official OpenVPN documentation there’s a vast number of howtos and guides out there, that’ll tell you how to set up an OpenVPN server. Unfortunately, most of these use a tunneling setup including some sort of router and packet filter. If you want to transport non-IP based traffic and can accept the increased broadcast overhead and poor scalability, you… Read more »
If you run into this error: the culprit is simply the missing netstat program on the target host. sshuttle tries to fork a netstat process without checking if netstat is installed on the target host in the first place. On a Fedora host netstat comes with the net-tools package:
OpenERP is a free an open-source enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. It’s written in Python and makes heavy use of JavaScript and XML and runs completely in that runs in your browser.
OpenProject is an open source project management software. It’s a web-based system that runs in your browser and is built on Ruby on Rails. What makes it really worth-wile is a wide set of features and plugins and a very active and always helpful community.
To quickly convert a pdf file to dxf, there’s a neat little tool called pstoedit. It’s part of Fedora’s standard repository and can be installed via yum To convert a file named Drawing.pdf run:
Installing the latest EagleCAD on Fedora 19 is a bit tricky. The Linux version requires libssl and libcrypto (which is thankfully mentioned right on the download page), unfortunately an older version which is no longer shipped by Fedora (Version 1.0.1 of openssl was released in March 2012). As a (very dirty) workaround, you can just create a symlink to the… Read more »
Many applications rely on a fully qualified domain name and won’t work properly or even fail to start without one. For example, even if your hostname is correctly set up, apache won’t start with the default configuration on Fedora 19 if your DNS server cannot resolve the hostname: But fortunately there’s a plugin to the GNU Name Service Switch (NSS)… Read more »
Staring with Fedora 18, the hostname is longer set it /etc/sysconfig/network but in /etc/hostname. To manipulate the hostname there’s a small tool named hostnamectl which is part of Fedora’s systemd package. The following table (taken from the Fedora 18 Release Notes) shows a few basic hostnamectl commands to set or change a host’s name: See also hostnamectl manpage.
Since the functionality has been merged into yum itself, yum presto was discontinued with Fedora 19. To disable the usage of Delta RPMS there is now an additional parameter in /etc/yum.conf